vyloveno z archívu XI. (anglický blog 2004-5)


skylined.org has had some difficulties, and so i lost all blog entries between march and december… ehm. that is actually two of them. still, they were stored in yahoo cache, so i put back the one about czechtek too bad the demonstrations just did not work, our prime minister is more popular than ever, having very good chances to create a government supplied by communist party after next year elections; the police guys kicking people in faces and beating pregnant girls were found innocent… so i guess next year it means open war. it is christmas and i’m caught with thoughts about redesigning this place, along with need of writing in english, i need the practice! so far, so good – now i’ve simply had to make myself do something :)


hello to the world. this is an urgent message to all freedom loving people out there. please spread the word about what has happened during this weekend on a freetekk festival called czechtek 2005. the event was planned to take place on a meadow near D5 motorhighway in west part of czech rep, near german borders. the police was prepared to intervene from the very beginning, even though there were no proofs of breaking the law. the field was rented and the other fields were used just because police was blocking the main entrance. whatever. but what has happened next is unbelievable for a civilized country: police terror (more than 1000 policeman, most of them equipped with teargas, bangflashes etc) brutally ruined the whole event – not being able to say anything else than „fight them as much as you can“. we protest against use of police force and we found the political forces responsible for what has happened. so we protest – check this website for more information about demonstrations. let it be spread in media in your country. wanna see some proofs? browse around… indymedia, 600mb of photo documentation, scroll down for photos… don’t let them break the law! civil rights are in danger more than ever before… stay tuned, more to come (if you are from foreign media and you want some contacts, don’t hesitate – adamm at skylined dot org, i’ll be happy to answer your questions, or give you contacts to people which were injured themselves).


so… i would like to show some signs of live, though i’m actually ill, eating pills and spending time mostly at home. but plans do go forward. i was in berlin, visiting transmediale 05. met dunja there and also tried to find out about what’s going on on that international new media / art / technology scene… it was interesting and i was happy to be there, hear about new ideas, projects… i visited local piratecinema, extraordinary club maria am ostbahnhof, heard some in czech rep. not very often found artist and even music genres… now thinking a lot about some new projects, there should be a radio show, film club, recording of iva bittova and dj javas and a meeting of vjs… and much more. brno is again alive and i’m quite happy to be around it.
i also passed through another semester of school, so now only the ma paper is left… and the perspectives? wide, but one can’t do all he/she would like to, and so is this case. but it’s great to see the possibilities.

j.cortazar – the end of the game argentina is not only borges! this guy's imagination has apparently no limits! strong atmosphere, one of the very best short stories i've ever read...
biosphere – substrata one of the guys i've seen in berlin. notebook, concentration, marvelous vjing... i even managed to make some footage i'm not asahmed of.
the end of the world a really wicked flash movie. see and find out where i get my quotes from recently...


oh. anyone reafding this? i feel way ashamed i haven’t written anything for such a long time. and there’s no excuse actually. it’s just my laziness. anyway.
looking back i think there’s been really lot of changes during this year. i’m almost finished with the university – now i should put all my effort into writing my ma paper. again, hypermedia comes into play, again, postponing it will result in big troubles during the spring semester. when i mentioned last time our collaboration with ppl organizing datatransfer, i didn’t have a simplest idea i will end up working with them regurarly. i would even say that this is really close to my dream-job. it includes organizing similar events, with lots of interesting artists involved. so i just hope i won’t screw it up :) for some personal news: i’m pretty happy these days, one of the reasons is spending time with my new girl, eva (photo kombajn). she’s pretty much from a different world and that makes it … well, different :)
also our new flat has proved to be a nice place to live in :) watching films, enjoying music, spending money earned in england… so for all of you out there – have a great new year’s eve, and all the best for the future. also there’s quite a good chance that i’ll write in this space a bit more often. (a laaaate response to luka’s comment: yes, there’re many ways how to use the form of a blog in a creative and potential way. my mum being example of it. she already made it for one of most useful sources about religions on czech internet. it’s just that … simply, that’s not my case. but i don’t give up!)

c. palahniuk – the diary read it in english, had an interesting nightmare and thought a lot. so i believe it's worth a couple of days....
richard galliano – french touch thanks go out to mari - as many times already. very very deep and intense music. the jazz accordionist.
urban legends all those quotes, photos, mysterious stories... guess you were wondering many times as well, what's true and what's flase, right? so find out!


one would say – everything’s back to normal, right? but nothing is the same, and it couldn’t be. sometimes i’m daydreaming. today i’ve read an article about ‚successfull youngsters‘ – so i guess it’s about time to earn the first big money soon – or i’m a loser, hehe… in two weeks i’ll be in a new flat, with new flatmates.. martin w. again, plus boop and flam. working on some projects, e.g. finishing aktivreisen boehmen website (commercial). thinking of some new mind blowing ways how to change reality (uncommercial). tomas v. won a slam poetry contest and became a (super)star. finally someone who deserves it. we (me and kombajn) have been helping with datatransfer, an event dedicated to new media / digital cinema (most of the stuff was taken from the onedotzero festival. when talking with bobotic (he’s now in wroclaw, poland) about weblogs for his ba paper, i was wondering, whether weblog is my last mean of self-expression… no more poems, no more short stories, no more pictures… just a void feeling that i was able to do that. but then – wasn’t it just longing? the need of being a part of the ‚bohemian‘ crowd? now i don’t feel like pushing myself into anything. and that’s fine.

j. l. borges – the aleph just... wondering how was it possible for me to stay out of his world. i was wrong. that's *the* stuff.
norah jones – feels like home when fed up with elektronik. when something completly different is needed. sounds serious. warning: can make you cry.
krzysztof pacholak i like the minimalism and the lovely old-fashioned style of the website. and the photos are ... touching. dunno why. simply pleasing.


have i really changed? and now i don’t mean those few weeks spent in england (and how great it was!). but overall – i’ve tried to clean up the mess i’ve made in my life. thinking quite a lot, writing a bit.
and now – i might be wrong though – i feel like – yes, there’s been already change i haven’t realized before, but having the advantage of a different perspective, i can see it. i don’t know whether for better or worse, but actually i don’t mind much. our english ‚expedition‘ was for me a very good experience. not only that i’ve realized i can work in a pub (and i like it), but for the plans we’ve made. who knows? living in britain and czech republic at once? it seems to me like a quite good idea :)
if you’d like to know more about what we were doing there, what we have seen around – don’t worry – martin was taking photos all the time, but because it’s an oldskool analog cammera, it’ll take a while to get it online. at least some stories are already availible (in czech only though) on my other weblog. i’ve also tried as many types of english drinks as possible, bought a pile of quicksilver clothes (huh, am i kind of skate bloke? seems like), read adrian’s mole diaries, hemingway’s fiesta, and still i got to read last orwell’s book that hasn’t been in my collection – road to wigan pier. i’ve hitchhiked more than ever in my life (and it’s been so easy – cumbria is a heaven on earth for hitchhiking). some of my friends thought i’ll be back in two weeks. i’m pretty happy they were wrong. now i am back in brno, school starting in a while. back in the troubles of everyday life – finding a flat, looking for a job, having fun with the people around… thinking now of all the friends i have: it hasn’t been easy to get along with me. i’ve got quite a few bad habits and still – you have been there – thanks a lot! you know who you are…

va: godskitchen – global gathering fresh sound from summer UK
salad fingers this is strange. and i mean it. touching rusty things and dreaming of taps. cartoon that is far from normality.


it’s been really a while, right? well, guess i don’t have a good reason to apologise – i was just lazy to write lately. what has happened since the last proper diary entry? i was in poland, met some crazy people from the whole europe – had a great time with them. not really discussing much european unity, rather creating it when boozing together. visiting not only cracow and bukowina, but also other interesting places. i also managed to get through my second semester of ma studies of journalism. i quited in mediaservis, the company i had been working for – because i wanted to try something different, and i also needed a break quite a lot.
now i don’t mean the job itself, but the lifestyle i got stuck in a bit. partying too much, not moving forward as it seemed to me. so here i am now, summerjobing in england. together with martin w. (my roommate) and silva, his girlfriend. we work in a pub in pooley bridge, lake district, cumbria. and i think it was a right decision. not only because of money, but because of meeting new people, improving my english, working hard and maybe having a different point of view. but after couple of days i begin to realize, that you can’t actually get rid of your problems just going somewhere else. it only gives you an opportunity to think about them, the decision is still up to you. and i haven’t fled – i go back in mid september. we’ll see then.

the best of q.tarantino’s films my new english roommate has it, which is great, cause i don't have my own cds. blowing collection! might have been longer though...
h.murakami – norwegian wood your life's strange? stranger than this? ok, you can commit suicide then. buy a bottle of your favourite booze and read until finished. mono no aware. go for the meaning of it.


in an hour i’m leaving for london, so just a quick note… i’m really sorry that i haven’t been writing anything for so long. don’t worry, i live :) (and thanks you care!!) lot of things happened, some good, some bad – but it’s rather positive. i’ll sum up more precisley soon, as i take my notebook and i should have at least some spare time… so – see you soon! enjoy holidays, have a good time :)


the easter holidays were really relaxed. i spent them by my parents, thus it meant: eating & sleeping & watching tv… then back to work unfortunately. the weather promises a lot – looking forward to some water pipe + petanque open air session :)) after ignoring it for a long time – i was caught. „czech rep. looking for a superstar“, local version of the idol show. reading strange books by ian mcewan when listening to even stranger sonic outputs, e.g. ż3o&h3ż (if it seems, there’s no content, use mozilla, it tends to behave in a weird way under ie), a coop project between autechre and the hafler trio. watched lovers of the arctic circle and wrote two articles. one about bookcrossing (it has recently reached 1 mil. books) and it’s czech version, knihotoč and the other one about possible concepts of copyrights, especially about creative commons and the controversy around the dj dangermouse’s grey album.
tommorow i’m leaving for poland, where i’m going to take part in an international meeting upon the theme of european unity and national identity. despite the profi-look it seems to me that it’ll be rather a good party :) so see you later!


it’s been a month. and nothing. shame on me… the spring is here (tho today it’s been pretty cold). i know it, as i’m sneezing all the time. i’ve been thinking of my possibilities and future plans and after all, it doesn’t look actually that bad. now it’s about time to move on! slovenia, ljubljana, that sounds like an ideal place for couple of months of leisure and of course writing my ma degree work. school makes me feel i learn something new – last thursday i was astonished by possibilities of data mining, using peoplemeters. also hypermedia bring some new thoughts. not to forget old soviet avantgarde moveis – an interesting experience, and quite a hard to get otherwise.
haven’t had that time for listening to music that have piled up on my computer, but i must at least recommend the milk facotry, craftly designed e-mag about electronic music. it’s just my taste, so if you like this kind of stuff, we can make a deal and exchange some cds? :)
but i got to read some books after all (and i also entered the world of bookcrossing, in its czech version called knihotoč). a brave new world of pop culture vs. postmodernism vs. absurd stories, that’s michal hvorecký, a young slovak author (slovak language? refreshed after a loooong time). it’s cyberpunk for the new century. and more and more parties: it seems march is *the* month to be born. so once again greets and best wishes to pavel p., hanka, benny, my mum and in advance – morbidangel (hey, and thanks for all the frogs, cats, spending time, arriving late, buying stuff, crazy things & many more – simply rulez). also check kombajn’s blog for pictures from our parties (i’ve tried to get some too and they say it’s not that bad, hurray! have a look here or here). and last but not least: karaoke show, marjánka & kombajn vs. karel gott & včelka mája!

i.banks: the wasp factory vypadá to naprosto ujetě! pavel would probably say: that's sick, man... and he would be probably right. great stuff.
koop: waltz for koop – alternative takes as good as the original (which was a beautiful combination of nujazz and all around the globe influences), but now we get more to dancefloor, supporting the melodies with the right beats. chill and take it easy :)
čtyřlístek rmx another alternative view on the cult comix of my generation. life wouldn't be the same without those 4 heroes!!!


so i’m 22. it’s cold outside, and sometimes i just wish to lay down and think of nothing. tough luck ;) killing time with my friends, you can have a look on a page about our lasagne party (the recipe is in czech, but you should be able to get most of it as there are many many photos). and also fotos from club sofa where i celebrated my birthday. i have been surprised how many people congratulated me, so thanks :) and a reason why i’m not able to keep my blog updated? spending a way too much time on orkut, a strange invite only community server. or socialware in affiliation with google. i’ve written an article about it (and possible negative aspects of google domination) for konec konců, i’ve also made an interview with denisa kera. today the school has started and that’s another point i have to pay attention to…
and one more thing connected with orkut – this is just weird.

system 7: power of seven this is a tip from pepe, a very nice crafted piece of idm, mixed with all elektronika you like :) including really catchy melodies and such.
orwell today interested in looking for parallels with 1984? then this is a site for you.


it’s monday and i feel like i need 24 hours sleep… last week was full of films, mainly due to febiofest. (in order of appeareance) norwegian falling sky, a story about loonies – crazy ideas, but all in all a very nice comedy. then yugoslavian wounds, a story from the times, when gangster machos were the kings – reflection of balkan wars as seen in beograde. perfect circle, a quiet film about people lost in war in sarajevo. personally i was deeply touched by reconstruction, a danish movie with a weird plot, which is not really important. but it shows the situation of breaking one relationship, tho not successfully creating a new one. the result is loosing everything, one’s identity including… all the films were worth, only the last one, to the left of the father, was a disappointement for me. boring, full of pseudo-philosophical rubbish. the idea of combining brazil and lebanese people could have been used much better. and yesterday czech television pleased all of us – monty python fans :) plus human traffic – crazy movie i was longing to see for a while. not an all time winner, but lot of fun. i’m also about doing finally some webdesign, and that sounds good :)

e.j.hobsbawm: nations and nationalism since 1780 an extremly interesting book, the author probably spent years searching for original sources... a little bit of everything, from baltics to balkan, then central europe, and finishing in ireland. a keystone for everyone keen on such problems.
jackie brown ost jackie brown is a movie i can watch many times and it has started my 'film week' - again listened to all those oldies i realized i gotta get it :) and it rocks, a wondefull mix of crazy music!
web archive if there is anyone who doesn't know this: *the* tool, providing you with TB of data - shows what was the page like in let's say 1998. extremly powerfull and sometimes very useful as everything in the web changes so quickly...


this week i was quite ill, but neverthless i keep on fun ;) since today we have here internet at our flat. next week i’m gonna change my office and that means even more net :) and no crappy radio stations, so looking forward to it. febiofest before us, hope to see at least a couple of good films! :) more and more cds, more music… some of it very interesting. ranging from polish hiphop thru czech folk to swedish elektronik :) unfortunately no transmediale… and as for the announced blog in czech: adamm.bloguje.cz is the right place… but it’s not polished yet ;) i promise a nicer design in a while…

cinematic orchestra: remixes 98-2000 jazzy stuff, very emtional, full of energy... great stuff!


not to forget… more and more people around began to blog: we have here benny or boop or filip… so i wouldn’t have to write anything, and still you would easily find out, what’s up with me. exams are behind, i just have to finish some essays… i went to see lord of the rings and it was nice… especially when marjánka provided a special dubbing :) but i can’t figure out why someone should think this is a best movie of all times… it’s disasterous to look at imdb top250 and see… don’t take me wrong, i like it, but there are hundreds of good films, right? listening to keith jarrett: live in köln… brings me into a melankolik mood… another crazy decision – i will soon start another weblog. maybe stranger, more personal. and in czech. too bad, but i cannot play with the english language to that extent i would need for my future „alter.ego“ blog. and even if i can, i don’t want to. i’m very sorry to all my non-czech friends and readers: i promise i continue here too :) have a nice day.. and if possible, much warmer than we have nowadays :)

mixmaster this could also be considered as net art. above all it is pure fun!


so here it is – the promised update. what i have added (all articles are in czech): 1) russians in latvia – an article about difficulties in this wonderful baltic country. about 40% of latvia population are russians, ukrainians and belorussians. lot of them don’t speak latvian and therefore are treated as ‚non-citizens‘. they can’t vote, can’t be employed by state on higher positions etc. (english info) 2) ‚all have turned out well‘ – an article about the nato summit and how the state smart-asses (ab)used the fear of common people. 3) blogging – a brief introduction into the blog-sphere. 4) fairtrade – a little bit on this interesting topic – how to help farmers in the third world. (english info)
then there’s a little poem and an essay – mcluhan cyberspaced (for a course ‚critical theory of media‘). also a link to ms‘ crazy netmag obšťastník must be there, as i prepared with him a special issue (my task was to create as strange design as possible)
can’t get enough of soulseek. the new album from french group air – walkie talkie, to be in shops in the end of january and i’ve had it downloaded on 11th. tricky – made in bristol – an album which i’m not able to find in any discography. etc.

ennio morricone: best of the man himself - the best movie music ever? could be... let him drift you away while remembering those golden oldies :)


i was about some bigger update – adding various articles and such, but now i have found out, that some previous updates i did not uploaded, and i don’t have them here :/ stupid me. overally it’s a nice time – cooking, reading crew, marshall mcluhan (člověk, média a elektronická kultura) and perdido street station (nádraží perdido). having fun with all crazy people around… seems it’s normal to have a weblog, another from our gang – benny :) he’s going to be a celebrity – a photo of him on first page of ny times magazine to appear soon! :) i’ve been also doing stuff for school – essays, exams etc. looking forward to see whether we make it to berlin, transmediale’04.


a brand new year, 2004. wow. guess it’s gonna be really a strange one… that means the same as it was. hmm :) the end of year means reflecting, but i personally don’t have time for it ;) too many plans (especially wicked actions planned with martin wokoun (nice page, right? i’m telling him all the time)), too many things to do. right now thinking about combination: baudrillard, mcluhan, net art, cyberspace… but it seems i should have thought about it much much sooner, as now it’s almost late (to write an essay on this topic).
new year’s eve – at work i had my coffee made by my boss :) then i visited the dungeon under scala cinema – my dad showed me around. really an interesting place :) and then (with a gift from peter.pea – thanks!) i went to fléda, maybe the best club in brno. house party with balls ;) together with benny and flam and awesome band radium.nfo (where’s some webpage of theirs?). and cool djs – overally, nice action. now reading many books, downloading music and such…
so happy new year all :) and as i don’t have any pf for you… check this one – i hope marjánka wouldn’t mind :) and as for stuff on totem.cz, also have a look on a preview of kombajn’s new gallery ‚plastic people‘.

stereo mc’s: connected classic - funky, fresh, fantastic fruit of final fooling feeling :) head nodder and a must :) happy i have it now. finally :)
english 407a–cyberculture hey! who said school is boring? maybe they don't have steve shapiro as a teacher. nor i do, but i guess it must be cool. check the rest of his site - www.shaviro.com - too!

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