rednecks attack! / burani útočí

(česká verze níže) Damn it. I had a thousand other things to do, I need to finish my PhD application project, I was such an idiot to have my company notebook stolen and guess what? I’m going to write about politics, though it’s kind of obvious that it’s a total waste of time. First, let me introduce myself regarding „politics“. I usually voted for the Green party in all past elections – e.g. even when it was clear that they can’t make it to the parliament. I was happy to see them there and happy they chose to create the … Celý článek

on-line reputation issues – really that serious? / on-line reputace – je to fakt tak vážné?

(česká verze níže) It has been more than two weeks – which is just about the time for me to finally get (while travelling in the train, off-line) to articles I store as „to-read“ – since I found the Techcrunch article by Michael Arrington titled „Reputation is dead„. The provocative title has actually little to do with the main idea of the article, but it’s catchy, so I understand its use. Michael argues people are too concerned about their (or their companies’) reputation issues. The truth is, that some cases showed us well the power of social media that can … Celý článek

prague foursquare day / geekové a restaurace

(česká verze níže) If you read this, there’s quite a chance you have heard about Foursquare. This next big thing has gained popularity mostly in USA and you can probably call it a „social mobile game website“. As a member you „check in“ in various locations and you earn badges of various types. When 4sq is down, you shall not leave your home, since you can’t check in elsewhere anyway! I have seen people around me flooding their Facebook / Twitter accounts with messages from 4sq (and people asking them to stop it), so I was aware of the trend. … Celý článek