3/12 bootcamp

ok, so this time I got to sleep at 1 AM, but managed to be on time for the training… Eliška and Lukáš didn’t come at all and Jarda was late ;) after a bit of running and stretching we got to circle training – three rounds of eight different exercises, each for 25 seconds. I must say I was even surprised when it was over – the time went really fast. Míra didn’t take his phone with him, so just two pictures of us in original Bootcamps t-shirts we have received after the training :) po včerejším team-buildingu na motokárách … Celý článek

2/12 bootcamp

Second day of Bootcamp. Yesterday I felt almost every single muscle (including those you generally keep forgetting). Woke up (went to sleep before midnite as a responsible guy), got there quite afraid – when running for the tram I got the feeling I’m done with running for today! To our surprise, Lenka, our Mon and Fri couch was there and not Michal who was supposed to lead Wed. This time I was joined not only by Eliška, but also Míra, Jarda and Lukáš! Míra and Jarda were eager to start – but in the end they realized they have to plan tactically, … Celý článek

1/12 bootcamp

Bootcamp. First day. Had a good start since Laďka stayed with me in Prague the night before and so I have someone to wake me up and cheer me up :) got to the place (on time!), Eliška was there, Míra not! What a loser – to miss the first day! (so no photos included.) We have had some running and exercises. By the end after a few sprints I have had enough. Still – could have been worse I guess (and it will be worse)… Anyway, first step has been made, eleven to go. Bootcamp. První den. Díky tomu, … Celý článek

Jo Nesbø – Nemesis (Sorgenfri)

Kniha Zlín udělala docela netradiční a ojedinělý krok, když nabídla blogerům a internautům možnost získat knihu zdarma – reading copy – výměnou za recenzi v sociálních sítích. Sám tento fakt vyvolá možná zdvižená obočí – co z toho mají, nějaký bloger… Hned na úvod mohu říct: Jo Nesbø a jeho kniha Nemesis se mi opravdu líbí! Kniha Zlín (Czech publishing house) prepared quite an untypical promotion in our country – reading copies for bloggers. I got my hands on Czech translation of Jo Nesbø’s book Nemesis before it hits the shops. And I was supposed to write a review, which you find below – … Celý článek

Schweppes Facebook app to hack your profile / Schweppes má novou aplikaci na vytuněný FB profil

Not long ago, there appeared some articles about creative ways how to refresh your Facebook profile (if you have switched to the new version), you can check it e.g. on Mashable: More new Facebook profiles. Still, this ain’t easy for a normal Joe, so guys in Super Social agency in Amsterdam created an Schweppes profile app (so you have to become Schweppes fan), that allows to do the trick to anyone capable of uploading a photo :) I tried it myself, and I’m pretty happy about the result… Nedávno jste mohli narazit na články o tom, jak si „vytunit“ profilovku, … Celý článek

TEDx Prague

better late than never, right? due to the amount of the text, this time I leave this in Czech only. sorry about it. you can at least visit the English version of TEDx Prague website. opožděná reportáž z TEDx Prague – bylo to skvělé, díky organizátorům, vystupujícím a vůbec všem :)

s kamarády na ostrově st. martin v karibiku

abyste nám mohli skutečně závidět, posíláme nějaké fotky. fotil vesměs míra buchta, občas někdo jiný – ale kredit za fotky z maho beach má on :) fotky jsou od nás z vily, z maho beach a poslední pak z motýlí farmy (kde byla jen polovina naší výpravy, já v rámci té druhé byl zase na pevnosti Fort Louis v hlavním městě francouzské části)… další vychytávky dodáme časem… :D See the full gallery on Posterous

old fashioned spam / spam v nové – klasické variantě

I guess we are all accustomed to the fact we receive a lot of spam all the time (btw. do you know that spam is actually canned beef and the usage of the word in the new context is derived from Monty Pythons?). Gmail does the job so you normally don’t care. But recently we have got a special delivery – a letter with a typical scam scheme – but you know, a paper letter, in an envelope from Tanzania. I know this had been the original way, so it’s actually kind of „back to the roots“, but I haven’t heard … Celý článek

:: mám chuť se zas bláznivě smát

bulvárnější titulek se mi vymyslet nepodařilo, nicméně poslední dobou se zdá, že pozitivní skvrny na slunci se nějak rozmohly či co, takže je možná na čase přidat druhý příspěvek v roce 2010 na tento jinak zcela opuštěný a zapomenutý blog :) před pár dny jsem uvažoval nad tím, jak zajímavý a zábavný by tento blog mohl být, kdybych na něj nepsal dvakrát za rok, ale třeba dvakrát za měsíc. protože když se píše dvakrát za rok, tak bych rád vzpomněl všechny ty zásadní věci, naházel odkazy na všechny zajímavé stránky, pogratuloval všem, co si to zaslouží… no … Celý článek

PR v čase nových médií / PR in the era of the new media

Aneb: Proč je pro velké firmy tak obtížné zapojit se. Marketing v prostředí sociálních médií, tak jak to vidím já na základě zkušeností z mBank i odjinud. Očekávaná úroveň znalostí publika: nízká. Or: Why is it so hard for big companies to join the social media. Marketing in social networks as I see it based on the mBank experience and looking around myself. Target group: PR dummies.

nacionalism – one of the worst ideas ever / nacionalismus – fakt špatný nápad

(česká verze níže) Most of this article has been written few months ago (before elections) when there was the peek of the discussion on „national interests“. Now, with Roman Joch being an advisor to our new prime minister, it’s probably time to publish it. I certainly hope that this text will earn me a prominent place among „traitors, liberals and humanrights scum“, so when the nationalists will take over, I’m ready to be hanged. Tento text jsem napsal z větší části před několika měsíci, když už mi všechny ty kecy o „národních zájmech“ fakt hnuly žlučí. Mezitím jsem to nechal … Celý článek

in the meantime / v mezičase

(česká verze níže) I have had in my mind a couple of themes to write about (and the list is getting longer!), but there are some things that should be said now – as they might not be of any use later. So this time just a few points to keep it short. On Friday I will go with my father and sister (and our friends) to London. Not the first time for me, but the first time for them – I expect I will be in charge for most of the time as a guide, but I certainly don’t … Celý článek

rednecks attack! / burani útočí

(česká verze níže) Damn it. I had a thousand other things to do, I need to finish my PhD application project, I was such an idiot to have my company notebook stolen and guess what? I’m going to write about politics, though it’s kind of obvious that it’s a total waste of time. First, let me introduce myself regarding „politics“. I usually voted for the Green party in all past elections – e.g. even when it was clear that they can’t make it to the parliament. I was happy to see them there and happy they chose to create the … Celý článek

on-line reputation issues – really that serious? / on-line reputace – je to fakt tak vážné?

(česká verze níže) It has been more than two weeks – which is just about the time for me to finally get (while travelling in the train, off-line) to articles I store as „to-read“ – since I found the Techcrunch article by Michael Arrington titled „Reputation is dead„. The provocative title has actually little to do with the main idea of the article, but it’s catchy, so I understand its use. Michael argues people are too concerned about their (or their companies’) reputation issues. The truth is, that some cases showed us well the power of social media that can … Celý článek

prague foursquare day / geekové a restaurace

(česká verze níže) If you read this, there’s quite a chance you have heard about Foursquare. This next big thing has gained popularity mostly in USA and you can probably call it a „social mobile game website“. As a member you „check in“ in various locations and you earn badges of various types. When 4sq is down, you shall not leave your home, since you can’t check in elsewhere anyway! I have seen people around me flooding their Facebook / Twitter accounts with messages from 4sq (and people asking them to stop it), so I was aware of the trend. … Celý článek